The Sun City Center New England Club
2021 Ham & Bean Dinner
Veteran's Tribute. Art work by Faye McKeown.
Dick Young with Dan Patch (2018)
Left to right: President Mike Burnham, Past Presidents John Bukowski, John Bowker, Dick Young and Bob Sanchez.
Our favorite yearly tradition continued this year with a beautiful New England club community dinner of baked spiral sliced ham, oven roasted hot dogs, slow cooked baked beans, rolls with butter, potato salad, cole-slaw and apple pie with a slice of cheddar cheese on top. Old acquaintances were renewed and new friendships created. The Game Majority Rules as always elicited much laughter and comradery.
President Mike Burnham welcomed everyone to the annual meeting. Membership voted approval of an array of new officers as well as several serving for another term of service to our members.
Treasurer Greg McKeown was not in attendance as he is still healing from a recent illness but is already feeling better. The numbers were provided as he wont let much keep him down! Membership count is growing still since President Mike Burnham's membership drives are still in full force. Proceeds from dues and events enables the club to donate back to your community and raffle gift card prizes at events.
John Sherburne & Dick Young trained a mostly new crew of kitchen volunteers for the annual dinner this year. Their oversight of the preparation was invaluable to the continued success of the yearly dinner.
Many thanks to the dedicated organizers: John & Lyn Sherburne, Elaine Aquilino, Greg & Faye McKeown, Mae-Ellen Dowdy and our energetic volunteers.
Veteran Jim Schwartz won the tribute painting. 50/50 raffle winners: Donald Kabula, Gerry Ready and Linda Anderson.
Kitchen Crew: (left to right) Grattan Murphy, Bill Zeller, Dick Young and Bill Shirley.
Greeting our members: Elaine Aquilino and Linda Bowker.
John Sherburne preparing the brown bread.
Ed & Mae-Ellen Dowdy selling 50/50 tickets to Cindy Daigle and Melissa Burnham.
Publicity Director Faye McKeown foreground.
Barry & Janice Woodland
Mark Vietzke blessing our Veterans for their sacrifices.
New club member Larry Culley served in the U.S. Coast Guard.
Historian John Bowker memorializing his long time friend Dan Patch.
Dick & Cecile Young
President Mike Burnham (top)
Treasurer Greg McKeown (left)
Vice Pres Eric Anderson (below)
Table 1 Anne Ladue & Joan Bartosiewicz both seated.
Barbara D'Entremont