The Sun City Center New England Club
2018 Community Donations
The New England Club is a proud member of the Sun City Center community and donates to some of the local organizations that mean so much to us.

In honor of all veterans an engraved brick has been installed at the Veterans Memorial in front of Community Hall.
The club's brick is located in the center section.

December 2018
NEC treasurer Greg McKeown presents a donation to Volunteer Emergency Squad Chief Mike Bardell. With them are NEC president Dick Young (r) and 2019 president Bob Sanchez.

December 2018
NEC president Dick Young presents a check to Security Patrol Chief Gil Jessee. 2019 president Bob Sanchez is on the right.

December 2018
NEC treasurer Greg McKeown (left) and president Dick Young present a donation to the Good Samaritan Fund's vice president Julie Floyd and president Lee Everett.